Saturday, June 21, 2008

VANGUARD Sea Cadets at the Toronto Nautical Festival 2008!!!

Toronto 21 June 2008- The Sea Cadets of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps VANGUARD in Toronto are taking a centre role on this year's Toronto Nautical Festival. VANGUARD Cadets have been instrumental into helping to organize the line-ups to the various tall ships visiting the Toronto Harbour. Besides of the local tall ships Kajama, Brigantines Pathfinder and Playfair, this year we had the visit of Canada's pride, the Bluenose II, escorted by two American ships, the Pride of Baltimore II and the U.S. Brig Niagara.
On Saturday21th, The cadets of RCSCC VANGUARD along side cadets from RCSCC WHITBY and RCACS 618 "Queen City" had an opportunity to literally "climb on board" the U.S. Brig Niagara, where the proud cadets showed their seamanship skills by helping their crew unfold their sails.
For pictures of the event, please go to

Sunday, June 1, 2008

VANGUARD's 50th Anniversary Celebration!

Saturday 31 May 2008 - HMCS YORK:
"RCSCC VANGUARD... Where we lead, others shall follow!" These memorable words, which included VANGUARD's motto, were spoken by the Reviewing Officer and former Commanding Officer of RCSCC VANGUARD, Lieutenant-Commander Ken Johnstone, as he wrapped up his speech during VANGUARD's 50th Anniversary.

The current unit was formed in 1958, by the merger of two other Sea Cadet Corps, (RCSCC ARK ROYAL and RCSCC HAIDA). At that time, the current RCSCC VANGUARD was born. This is the second Sea Cadet Corps to bear the name VANGUARD. The first Sea Cadet Corps to bear this name and heraldics was formed in the early 1940's by the merger of two other cadet corps, with a full history dating back to the very beginning of the Navy League of Canada.

Lieutenant-Commander, Ken Johnstone CD (Ret'd) proudly served as the Reviewing Officer in this historical event. Ken is one the highest ranking, and also the earliest, former Commanding Officer of RCSCC VANGUARD still alive today. LCdr Johnstone served as Commanding Officer of RCSCC VANGUARD from 1976-1979, and during his tenure, celebrated VANGUARD's 20th Anniversary. 30 years later, LCdr Johnstone was proud to see that VANGUARD's Sea Cadets are as proud of their ship as their counterparts were in the early history of this corps.
The anniversary included the presence of many former VANGUARD cadets and officers who were present when this unit was formed. There was also some former cadets from the first VANGUARD. The ceremony also included a Colour Guard, which was formed by VANGUARD Alumni. In command of the Colour Guard was Lieutenant (Navy) Peter Dixon, CD (Ret'd), former Executive Officer of RCSCC VANGUARD.

Several members of HMCS YORK were also in attendance, including the Commanding Officer, Commander Matthew Davies. VANGUARD was also represented by former cadets, now serving at HMCS YORK in several successful positions in the Navy. Lt(N) Woolfrey, CD, HMCS YORK, joined as a VANGUARD cadet, and served under LCdr Johnstone. He joined HMCS YORK as an Ordinary Seaman after serving as a Sea Cadet and achieved the highest reserve posting possible for a non-commissioned member in the Navy, serving as the Formation Chief of the Naval Reserves, in the rank of Chief Petty Officer 1st Class. Another VANGUARDian to achieve a very high posting is VANGUARD's former Coxswain (1973) Chief Petty Officer 1st Class McLennan, who later became twice Coxswain of HMCS YORK. VANGUARD was further honoured by the presence of Petty Officer 2nd Class Ross and Master Seaman Payton, both former VANGUARD Cadets on their way to success at HMCS YORK. VANGUARD also had the presence of former cadets from the late 90's to the early 2000's.

The relationship between VANGUARD and YORK date back the entire 50 years of the history of RCSCC VANGUARD. As with all relationships, there were some ups and downs throughout their 50 years together, however today this relationship is very solid and stronger than ever, as both units join hands to ensure the success of their sailors, their community and their Navy.

The link to VANGUARD and HMCS YORK's future was proudly represented by the young cadets of NLCC ARK ROYAL, which is named after one of the former corps who formed the current RCSCC VANGUARD

The cadets, who are the heart and soul of RCSCC VANGUARD today, know how to live the present, honour the past, and embrace the future. This is the legacy of a great group of cadets who make up the centre of the greater family of RCSCC VANGUARD.

Bravo Zulu indeed!
Happy Anniversary!